Celebrating the Johnnies and Mehmets of Victoria

A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will celebrate Victoria’s Turkish community by marking the Türkiye Centenary in 2023.

More than 40,000 Australians of Turkish background call Victoria home, making it one of the largest Turkish communities in Australia. We also share a special bond, forged at the beaches of Gallipoli that continues to bring our nations together.

Multiculturalism makes our state stronger and more vibrant – festivals and events are an important celebration of our diversity.

That’s why a re-elected Labor Government will invest $200,000 to celebrate the Türkiye Centenary across our state in 2023.

We will partner with the Turkish RSL to mark the centenary celebration with the food, music, dance, art and culture of Victoria’s Turkish community.

To mark the Centenary celebration, Labor will also return the Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize winners trip to Gallipoli – honoring the enduring bond between Victoria and Türkiye.

Labor has a proud record of supporting Victoria’s diversity.

Since coming to government, we’ve invested more than $300 million in support for multicultural communities. 

Matthew Guy’s Liberals can’t be trusted to support multicultural communities – they only pretend to care in an election year.

Labor is doing what matters – celebrating Victoria’s cultural diversity by supporting community festivals and events, infrastructure and services.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Victoria’s cultural diversity is what makes our state great. Marking the Türkiye Centenary is an important way to celebrate the contribution Turkish Victorians have made – and continue to make to our state.”

“Labor is doing what matters – we’ll support the Turkish community to celebrate the Centenary with dance, music, language, art and food.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence

“Victoria is home to a proud and vibrant Turkish community, which is an integral part of our state.”

“The Türkiye Centenary is an opportunity to celebrate and share the strong relationship between Victoria and Türkiye with all Victorians, regardless of their background.”

Quote attributable to Labor Member for St Albans Natalie Suleyman

 “As Victoria’s first female Turkish and Muslim Member of Parliament, the commemoration of the Türkiye Centenary in Victoria will strengthen the special and strong bond, our two nations share together.”


Terri Cryans